Spring is truly in the air. It’s still not really warm, but things are getting green and growing all over. And today we celebrated in Kila church.
Category: Photos
Composition is a subject that is discussed a lot in the field of photography, and rightly so. I taught evening classes in photography for many years, and here’s what I taught concerning composition.
Why do you photograph that?
That’s a question I got recently, why do you photograph that? It was a colleague asking why I was taking a picture of a sign.
A few photos from the garden
Things are happening fast right now, the air is warmer and everything is growing. I took my D3000 and the 50mm for a little walk around the house.
Stockholm with the Nikon D3000
I spent two days in Stockholm for work, and I had the opportunity to take some pictures with the Nikon D3000 and the Nikon 35mm f/1.8G lens.
Rock’n’roll photographer
Sure, I’m not a rock’n’roll photographer, but I have photographed musicians a few times. These are shots from the rehearsal of a band, probably shot with a Canon 1v, unknown film, but I would have developed it myself.
Collection of old color photos
Here’s a collection of old analog color photos. Not sure what film, but I’d guess some type of C41 Fuji, Tetenal chemicals. Not sure about what camera either, but Canon 1v is a good guess.
Sweden’s Minister for rural affairs visits Enköping
Last night, Peter Kullgren, Sweden’s Minister for rural affairs, visited Enköping, and I was there for work to document the visit.
Morning walk with Nikon D3000… and the dog
Another work week ahead, pretty tough to get going this time, not sure why. But I managed to get up and out this morning for a short walk with the dog. This time I took the Nikon D3000 with me, well, my wife’s D3000.
Service in Kila
Today I went to the service in Kila.