Our dog Bella, enjoying the sunshine. Bella is now gone since a number of years, but we loved her dearly.

This is my humble blog, mostly about photography. Occasionally, I play around with AI.

I work with communications for LRF, The Federation of Swedish Farmers, and do quite a bit of photography and video as a part of my job, but I am really just a happy amateur photographer.

Currently, I use mainly:

I sometimes carry one or two Nissin Di700a with a Nissin Air 1 Commander in a separate bag.

Cameras I’ve had but sold:

  • Nikon D40x
  • Nikon D50 (still have it, actually, but it’s broken)
  • Nikon D70s
  • Nikon D90
  • Nikon D300
  • Nikon D3000
  • Nikon D3300
  • Nikon D5200
  • Nikon D5300
  • Nikon D5500
  • Nikon D7000

I used to do a lot of analog photography, so from time to time, there’ll be a collection of old stuff here.

Magnus Nystedt

You can also find me here.